Monday, June 1, 2015

What Is My Pet’s Poop Telling Me?

As a dog owner, I look at my dog's stool daily to know exactly what's going on with her body. Your dog's poop provides you with clues that will help you to determine how they are digesting their food. Is the dog healthy? Did the dog eat something they shouldn't have? Will the diamond from the wedding ring ever be recovered? (Spoiler Alert: It was never found)

Every animal is an individual and they have specific dietary requirements. Understanding what your dog’s poop is telling you will help you adjust the diet to suit their needs. We can work with you and your dog to achieve an ideal diet that produces a healthy stool.

If your pet's stool is abnormal, it is crucial to monitor them closely and bring them to the vet if required.

Small, firm stool (light brown or whitish in colour)

This is a normal, ideal poop for your dog. The odour of this stool is not offensive and it is very easy to pick up. If you step on this stool in the yard, it will dissolve into the ground. If your dog poops on a hill, you might have to put the chase on this stool.

This stool is indicative of the small amount of waste produced by a dog or cat that is using much of the nutrients they take in. All that is left is a small amount of waste.

The colour can vary depending on what your dog is eating, but the size and firmness is key when classifying a healthy poop. 

Tazz, 50lb. Bull Terrier with his stool. 

Tazz's stool. Penny for size reference.  

Tazz's stool after crushing it between 2 plates. 

A poop from a 35lb dog. Well formed and leaves no residue.  

Large, soft stool (chocolate brown in colour)

We often refer to this stool as “kibble poop”. This stool has a very offensive scent and leaves a residue when it is picked up. You’ll know when you step on one of these, as it will follow you everywhere.

The large size of this stool indicates a pet that is not fully digesting their food. The waste is full of nutrients that the body wasn’t able to absorb. This is also why your dog enjoys the kitty litter buffet. They are enjoying all of the undigested material that your cat has left for them. 

Kibble fed dog poop. 

 Kibble fed dog poop. Some formed, some loose. 

White, chalky stool

This stool is normal for a few dogs, but for most, it indicates that the dog is getting to much bone in their diet. This stool breaks apart as the pet is defecating. Every animal is an individual so it is important to determine what the cause is for each pet.

If your pet is experiencing this type of stool on a raw food diet, try reducing the amount of raw bone you are feeding. Most dogs do best on 10% digestible bone in their diet.

Dark brown, loose stool (tar-like)

This is a common stool and it definitely is not normal. Feeding too much organ meat causes this stool. This is very stinky and the tar-like appearance is hard to mistake. The best way to avoid this is to prevent it by feeding a balanced, species appropriate diet.

Organ meat should not make up any more than 10% of your pet’s diet. Ensure that liver treats are limited as they can be too rich in large amounts. If you are looking for a training treat, Domestic Carnivore can recommend something that won’t cause undesirable stool. If you are making your own raw or buying a brand not offered at Domestic Carnivore, make sure you know what the organ percentage is.

Make sure you keep track of what you are feeding your dog. It will make it easier to determine if an abnormal stool was caused by a dietary imbalance or if the pet is truly unwell. 

Blood in stool

It is important to note the colour of the blood. If your pet has blood in their stool, it is not coming from the raw meat. Bright red typically indicates that the blood is coming from the lower intestines, while darker blood means the blood is coming from further up in the GI tract. While bloody stool can be a minor issue, it can also be a symptom of a serious problem. It is best to have your dog checked out by your veterinarian, especially if bleeding continues for more than 24 hours or if it is combined with vomiting or diarrhea. 

If the blood is caused by IBS or a common upset, slippery elm bark powder can help to soothe and coat the GI tract. This is not a long-term fix and dietary changes along with digestive support supplements may be required.

Mucous in stool

Mucous is the body’s way of protecting itself from irritation. It can be caused by a diet change or upset in the GI tract due to stress, bacteria, inflammation, etc. Dogs that are detoxing from a poor diet can have large amounts of mucous pass.

Digestive enzymes and slippery elm bark powder can help to soothe the GI tract during a difficult dietary transition.

Layla was fed cooked and seasoned brisket by someone who should have known better. :) 
 Diarrhea vs. Loose Stool

It is important to distinguish between diarrhea and loose stool when assessing the health of your pet. Dogs and cats that are experiencing diarrhea often don't have the ability to control their bowel movements. This stool has no form and can sometimes be explosive. Your pet is likely to be dehydrated and lethargic and you should be prepared to seek veterinary advice. 

Loose stool, on the other hand, is soft and sometimes unformed, but it is usually not a medical concern. Loose stool is often controllable and while it may still warrant an urgent 3 am poop, your dog is likely to make it outside. These stools have a number of causes including stress and eating something that didn't agree with them. Diet related causes include too much fat, above ground vegetables, fruit, or poor water quality. Medications and toxins in the environment can also loosen stool. It is important to determine the cause in order to responsibly monitor the situation. 


If your pet is straining and struggling, you may need to adjust their meals to better suit their dietary requirements. Some food items that can cause pooping difficulty include too much bone and below ground vegetables. Stress and lack of exercise can also contribute to firm stool. Dehydration is also a common cause of constipation. Dogs need moisture in order to pass waste effectively through the GI tract. 

Owners should ensure the dog is properly hydrated if a pet is having difficulty passing stool. You can also try adding a small amount of leafy, green vegetables into their diet to increase dietary fiber. Omega 3 fish oil can help to lubricate the GI tract in order to improve comfort for your dog. If the problem doesn't resolve within 24 hours, seek veterinary attention to determine the cause of the constipation.

It is important to monitor your pet’s overall health to ensure that you don’t miss a serious condition. While most owners will experience several of these examples throughout the life of their pet, veterinary care is recommended if an unhealthy poop is coupled with other symptoms or if the problem persists for longer than 24 hours. Other symptoms may include vomiting, lethargy, abnormal gum colour (pale or blue/purplish), dehydration, not drinking/eating, restlessness, increased respiratory or heart rate, etc. It’s always better to err on the side of caution than to miss a serious condition and not get to the vet on time.

Please remember to pick up your dog’s poop. Earth Rated PoopBags are available with a handy dispenser and refill rolls. Ask us about unscented and compostable options as well.

Domestic Carnivore 
244 Governors Road
Dundas, Ontario
L9H 3K2

Phone: 289-238-8000

Monday, May 4, 2015

The Domestic Carnivore Difference – Food Feature

Domestic Carnivore started with a passion for the health and wellbeing of our pets. Gord and I partnered to share our passion with other pet owners. In June 2013, our dream became a reality and we opened our store in Dundas, Ontario. Domestic Carnivore is not your typical pet store as we focus on education, not sales. We provide pet owners with information about raw diets so they can make the decision that is best for them and their pet.  

Gord and I have over 20 years of combined experience feeding a raw diet to our dogs. My first dog, Mike, had severe skin irritations and was on a prescription for long-term prednisone. After spending thousands of dollars on veterinary testing and visits to specialists, it was recommended that we try raw. We immediately saw an improvement and Mike was a healthy, prednisone-free dog in less than 6 months. The red, irritated skin was gone and his coat was growing back. Best of all, he loved his diet and we saw his playful personality return.

Mike when he was suffering from food allergies (left)
Mike at age 11 with his beautiful coat (right)

We believe our commitment to the diet and passion for pet nutrition make Domestic Carnivore your best source for a raw pet food diet. This commitment means you will only find high quality, raw diets in our store. We proudly carry Canadian sourced raw food and we hold our suppliers to the highest standards. We live by the principle that “If we will not feed it to our own dogs, we will not feed it to yours”.

Our suppliers source quality ingredients within Canada from federally or provincially registered meat plants. Fruits and vegetables are brought in fresh from farmers that are local to each brand. We also require each supplier to have a complete nutritional analysis for each product line. This allows us to examine each diet more closely and make recommendations for each individual dog or cat. 

We ask potential suppliers questions to determine why they got into the industry, how long have they been in the industry, what safety measures they take, etc. We also discuss their knowledge of canine and feline nutrition and find out how their diets are formulated. These conversations allow us to understand if the company is committed to the health and wellbeing of our pets.

Domestic Carnivore - 244 Governors Road (Dundas, Ontario)

Once we are comfortable with the people behind the product, we want to make sure that the product itself meets our standards. We look at things like the ingredients, the consistency of the grind, and the overall appearance of the food. The Domestic Carnivore dogs are always the first ones to try out a new food. We examine how they respond to the food and we look at how it is digested.

Domestic Carnivore is proud to provide an excellent selection of balanced raw diets from quality suppliers. Brands like Tollden Farms, Healthy Paws, Carnivora, Mega Dog, and Bold Raw are committed to providing healthy, affordable, and convenient raw diets for your pet. Domestic Carnivore is honoured to be your trusted source for raw pet food, nutritional information, and overall pet health. 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Domestic Carnivore Difference – Grooming Feature

When we started our raw pet food store nearly 2 years ago, we wanted to add a grooming salon that catered to caring pet owners. Our goal was to create the perfect environment where pet owners felt comfortable leaving their pets. We thought about every detail from the layout of the room to the way services were offered. 

Having worked at a large corporate grooming salon, I did not like the facility or the way it was run. I will say that the facility was well maintained and the employees, along with management, took the safety of each pet very seriously.

Apollo, a 13 year old Shepherd mix, enjoys the one-on-one grooming.
It allows him to get back to his couch as soon as possible. 

We refer to this type of grooming facility as a factory because multiple dogs arrive for the same groomer at one time. One dog is bathed, semi-dried, and left in the cage while another dog starts the same process. Once all of the dogs are bathed, the groomer then goes back to the first dog and starts the haircut. The facility has walls of cages with barking dogs and loud dryers. It is far from a low stress environment and it is not a facility I would choose for my pets.

Many pet owners have had negative experiences when it comes to pet care (grooming, veterinary care, boarding, etc). We strive to provide a safe and positive grooming experience for both the owner and the pet.

The Service

Coco after her groom. She loves all of the
attention and never wants to leave.
Our groomer will greet you and your pet and discuss service options. Grooming is an unregulated industry in Canada, meaning that anyone can pick up some scissors and call themselves groomers. It is important that you ask about your groomer’s credentials and experience. Our groomer has over 10 years of experience grooming both dogs and cats. She was professionally trained and has worked in 4 different salons prior to joining Domestic Carnivore.

All grooms include a bath with shampoo and conditioner. If you or your pet has sensitivities, please inform the groomer so a fragrance-free shampoo can be used. Every pet is washed by hand with clean, warm water. We do not use a re-circulating bathing system as we feel they are ineffective. Think of a touch less car wash vs. a hand car wash. These systems also have to be well cleaned, as they are a breeding ground for bacteria.

After the bath, each pet is thoroughly dried, brushed, and given a haircut (if requested). Once they are looking their best, their ears are cleaned and toenails are trimmed. We call you when your pet is almost done so you can arrive to greet your dog after their appointment.

Domestic Carnivore is pleased to provide one-on-one grooming services for every pet. We have chosen to offer this service so that your dog receives the attention they deserve. If you have a pet that is stressed with the grooming experience, they will not be faced with a bunch of anxious, barking dogs. The one-on-one service also allows the groomer to focus on your pet and pay attention to the details of the groom. To reduce the stress of grooming, your pet will be groomed straight through so they can return home as soon as their spa session is complete.

Our services are customized to suit your needs. We offer full grooming (complete haircut) for all size dogs (as long as they fit in the tub) or you can visit us for a bath and tidy (light trimming), bath and brush (no trimming), nail trim, face trim, etc. 

Crash stopped by for his first nail trim. It's always best to start grooming
your puppy at a young age so they are comfortable with the process.

Has your dog had a negative grooming experience? Domestic Carnivore specializes in nervous and shy dogs. Our groomer has a gentle touch that allows your dog to have a positive grooming experience. We have a few dogs that need a friend to comfort them during their groom. We are always willing to help out in order to make the experience as positive as possible. If something cannot be done safely, we will not put the pet through unnecessary stress. Your pet’s comfort and safety always comes first.

The Facility

Domestic Carnivore’s grooming room may look simple, but we put a lot of thought into the design. Our large, elevated windows allow you to see dogs being groomed, but they also provide some privacy for the dog. Some dogs are not comfortable being watched while others get too excited when they see people.
Abigail enjoying a customized groom. She didn't want to stand up so
we allowed her to lie down and she had a positive grooming experience

A well cared for facility should be clean. Hair should be swept between grooms and there should not be any urine or feces on the floor or in crates. If a facility has a chemical smell, ask the groomer what products are creating that odour. Flea sprays are toxic and should not be sprayed with animals in the room.

Grooming salons should maintain a comfortable temperature for your pet. The bathing and drying process adds a lot of heat and humidity to the room, which can cause sensitive pets to overheat. Domestic Carnivore’s salon features independent climate control to ensure the comfort and wellbeing of your pets.

Loud music causes unnecessary stress for most pets and should not be part of the grooming experience. We have created a sound deadened room and our groomer typically listens to talk radio at a low volume.

Believe it or not, some groomers will re-use towels on multiple dogs. This means they could potentially transfer harmful bacteria and parasites from one dog to another. At Domestic Carnivore, your pet will be gently dried with a fresh, clean towel.

Professional grooming tools and equipment make grooming safe for your pet. Tools should be cleaned between pets and professionally maintained on a regular basis. Equipment should also be clean and in working order. We take pride in our grooming service and we believe this is reflected in our facility.

The Business

A registered grooming business should have a plan in case of emergency and they should also carry liability insurance. Accidents can happen during grooming and the groomer should be prepared to properly care for your pet. Ask your groomer about their emergency plan.

Maya visited for a bath and brush to maintain her beautiful coat

It is not just one thing that sets Domestic Carnivore grooming apart from other salons. It is all of the little things that add up to create a great grooming experience for your pet.

Friday, March 20, 2015

The Truth on Raw Meaty Bones - Rabbit Feature

The Truth on Raw Meaty Bones

Raw, meaty bones are a recommended part of a balanced, species appropriate diet. Raw, meaty bones are our dog and cat’s natural toothbrushes. The action of tearing, crunching, and ripping off the meat cleans their teeth and provides mental stimulation.

The type of bones and how they are fed depends on the size of the animal and their chewing style. For example, a 5lb dog or cat would do great with a chicken neck or back, but a turkey neck would be more than 10 days worth of food. At the same time, an 80lb dog may try to swallow small food, such as chicken backs and necks, whole. This would eliminate the chewing benefit and could create a choking hazard.

Each month, we will feature a different protein source on our blog. Protein rotation is an important part of a raw diet and we will provide an overview of the benefits and drawbacks of each protein source.

Protein Feature: Rabbit

Rabbit is an excellent high quality, lean protein option for dogs and cats. For most of our household pets, rabbit would be one of their primary sources of nutrition if they were allowed to hunt their own meals. Rabbit meat is a great source for vitamin B-12 and B-3. Rabbit is also high in selenium and will provide your pet with a good source of phosphorus.

Due to its limited availability and small size, rabbit is one of the more costly meats in a raw food diet. However, because of its cost, many pet food producers have not turned to rabbit, making it a great novel protein for pets suffering from allergies. While some owners choose rabbit to combat their pet’s food sensitivities, many choose it as a special treat and a way to add variety to their pet’s diet. Adding rabbit to your pet’s raw food diet will help ensure they get the most of their diet.

A breakdown of each raw, meaty bone and its benefits:

Whole Rabbit

Whole rabbits are a great option for pet owners looking to introduce variety. These rabbits are locally sourced from a family owned farm and provide a meaty chew for your pet. They weigh an average of 3.5lbs each, but they have been portioned into 5-7 individually frozen pieces. The bones are small and hollow, making whole rabbit suitable for dogs and cats of all sizes. Rabbit is full of joints, providing a great, natural source for glucosamine and chondroitin. They also include the liver, heart, kidneys, and lungs to make them a complete and balanced meal. 

Rabbit Feet (dehydrated)

Dehydrated rabbit feet are another inexpensive way to introduce variety into your pet’s diet. The fur puts some dogs off, but it does provide fibre that mimics our pet’s ancestral diet. The joints in a rabbit foot provide a good source of glucosamine and chondroitin. Cats enjoy playing with the dehydrated rabbit feet and they are a more natural alternative to fake mouse toys. Available individually, in sets of 3, your dog or cat is sure to enjoy these treats. 

Rabbit Ears (dehydrated)

Dehydrated rabbit ears are like potato chips to dogs. They crunch them and before you know it, they are begging for more. The fur does provide dietary fibre and they are a high value treat for most dogs. Rabbit ears are the treat of choice for many sport dogs. Rabbit ears are available individually or in sets of 4. 

Side note: Feeding rabbit does not alter natural prey drive. If your dog or cat gets along with your pet bunny, feeding rabbit meat will not change their relationship. At the same time, we are sensitive to owners who choose not to feed rabbit to their pets. There are plenty of other options to offer variety. 



Sunday, February 1, 2015

National Dental Health Month…The Raw Truth

The American Veterinary Medical Association states that over 80% of dogs and 70% of cats over 3 years of age have some form of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease has become the number one health issue for our pets. As a result, marketing teams are using this information and pet owners are being bombarded with dental chews, tablets, sprays, etc.

Responsible pet owners are continually looking for a way to keep their pet’s teeth and gums healthy, but they are also concerned with their pet’s cleanliness and odour. Owners will try anything to tackle stinky dog breath.

Why wait for a problem to exist? Prevent dental disease in your pet today. Preventative pet care is less expensive and much more pleasant for both the dog and the owner. In order to prevent a disease, we need to understand what causes it. Two of the main causes of periodontal disease are genetics and diet. While genetics can be chosen to a degree, we are generally dealing with pets that are already in a home.

Tazz showing off his pearly whites

For pets with plaque build up, the food is sticking to their teeth. The following are options that owners have to prevent and treat periodontal disease in their pets.  

Traditional Tooth Brushing

Daily teeth brushing may help to reduce the amount of plaque build up, but occasional brushing is completely ineffective. In order to yield positive results, the pet owner must brush all of the pet’s teeth to the gum line. Remember that human toothpaste can be toxic to pets and many types of toothpaste for pets are full of synthetic ingredients and chemicals. If your pet suffers from food sensitivities and/or allergies, these products might not be the best option for them.

It also takes some training to familiarize your pet with teeth brushing. A standard toothbrush can be abrasive on the pet’s gums, causing pain and discomfort. Rubber finger brushes are a softer option. Pet toothpaste is said to contain enzymes that break down the plaque, but their effectiveness is questionable. Some owners have great success with daily tooth brushing, while others see little to no benefit.

Dental Scaling at Home

This is an option that we are not permitted to recommend. The Ontario Veterinary Act specifies that any dental care, beyond the use of a toothbrush, is considered veterinary medicine. Unfortunately, that means that scaling your pet’s teeth or hiring an anesthesia free dental hygienist is illegal in Ontario.

Professional Dental Scaling

Having your pet’s teeth scaled by a veterinarian is an extremely effective way to maintain excellent oral hygiene. This method of treatment is not without risk as it involves putting your pet under anesthetic. While the risk of complications is relatively low, I only put my dog under anesthetic for mandatory treatments. Putting an otherwise healthy dog under anesthetic for routine dental cleanings is not a risk I am willing to take. Professional dental cleaning is required if your pet is having difficulty eating because of periodontal disease or if your pet requires tooth extractions. 

Rawhide and Dental Chews

These products are relatively new to the industry and their marketing has worked on millions of trusting pet owners. Domestic Carnivore would never carry these products, nor would we recommend them. I personally believe they are dangerous and ineffective. Rawhide is a by-product of the leather industry. Yes, that means your leather boots, couch, and jackets are made from a higher quality hide than what marketers are trying to feed your dog.

Chemical agents can be used during the production of rawhide. Additionally, most rawhide products are sourced outside of North America and take weeks to fully process. This leaves time for the hide to rot and many companies then bleach the finished product to make it more appealing to pet owners.

Dental chews are also formulated with a focus on human appeal. They come in a cute shape, but are ineffective in cleaning your dog’s teeth. The texture is wax-like and the idea behind them is that the pet sinks their teeth into the chew and scrapes away the plaque. In the past, I gave these chews to my dogs and they simply crunched them. The chew lasted less than a minute and there was never an opportunity for the chew to reach the top of their teeth where the plaque builds.

These chews are typically full of synthetic extracts. Synthetic vitamins and minerals aren’t recognized by the dog’s digestive system as real food, which makes it more difficult to digest. The added stress on your pet’s digestive system and organs as they try to break down these ingredients can be detrimental to their health.

Dental Sprays and Water Additives

I have had success with one dental spray, but I am very particular with the ingredients. The product I used was called Leba III and I used it for an older dog that was new to a raw diet and wasn’t using his entire mouth to chew bones. I used it twice/day for a month and I had great results. Leba III uses two types of herbs (mints and roses) that work to stimulate the enzymes present in your dog’s saliva.

Although I have not tried other sprays or water additives, I have yet to find one with ingredients that I would be comfortable with. I’m not confident that the synthetic ingredients and chemicals are safe for my pets. In fact, many of these products have warnings such as “keep out of reach of children” and “not intended for human use”. I question what would make these products “safe” for pets, but harmful for humans.

Natural Chews (Dehydrated Treats + Antlers)

Natural chews are a good option for many dogs, but their effectiveness as a dental chew will depend on the dog. Antler chews are a dense option and while a basic antler can be a long lasting chew, it can lead to broken teeth for an aggressive chewer. Split antlers are a much safer option as the dog can scrape out the marrow without trying to break the antler.

Tazz enjoys his splits elk antlers

Dehydrated chews are safe for all dogs and will help to reduce plaque in small dogs or delicate chewers. Duck feet, chicken feet, and oxtail tips are the most popular dehydrated chews, but due to their size, they are a quick snack for medium and large sized dogs.

Treats like pizzles and pig snouts are healthy options, but they will not scrape your pet’s teeth. They still offer great variety in their diet and your pet will love them.

Natural Tooth Brushing

Those of us who feed a balanced raw diet have likely noticed the dental benefits. A pre-made or ground raw diet doesn’t stick to the teeth the way processed kibble does and raw meaty bones help to eliminate the little bit of plaque that does build. How does Mother Nature take care of your dog’s oral health? First, the dog tears the meat off of the bone using their canine teeth and incisors. As they bite down and gnaw, their teeth scrape against the bone and remove any plaque build up. Dogs then use their molars and pre-molars to crunch the bones, providing a cleaning for their entire dentition. 

Choosing the Right Bones

Large Dogs
Larger dogs require larger bones. I would consider any dog over 50lbs to be a large dog. Beef neck bones, turkey necks, duck frames, and whole rabbit are excellent, fully consumable options for large dogs. Due to their density, recreational bones, like beef marrow bones should only be given to light chewers. Aggressive chewers can break their teeth on weight bearing bones of large herbivores. 

Medium Dogs
Medium sized dogs can enjoy any of the bones mentioned above as well as duck necks, lamb shanks, and goat necks.

Cats/Small Dogs
Small dogs and cats are the perfect size to enjoy just about any raw meaty bone you can find. Chicken backs, chicken necks, duck feet, chicken feet, elk ribs, and duck wings are all great options for a small carnivore. However, a larger meal like a beef neck bone or whole rabbit will give them a better dental workout.

It’s important for dogs and cats to have variety in their diet, so don’t limit them to only one type of raw meaty bone. Depending on the dog’s eating habits, a larger dog may be able to safely eat smaller bones. Many large and giant breed dogs do well with chicken backs and necks. The determining factor will be if they chew the food or if they try to inhale it.

Important Notes for Feeding Bones:
  • Dogs can choke on anything (including kibble), so please monitor your pet while they enjoy bones and chews.
  • Bones should never be cooked as this makes them brittle and indigestible.
  • It is best to freeze any raw meat for a minimum of 3 days. Meat can contain parasites that are killed by freezing the meat for 48-72 hours. Bones are best served thawed, but they should go through a period of freezing prior to defrosting.


Properly caring for your pet’s teeth and gums will help to reduce the risk of diseases associated with poor oral hygiene. Along with periodontal disease, there are also studies showing a correlation between gum disease and heart disease.

As loving pet owners, we want our pets to have the best quality of life and that means keeping them happy and healthy. Visit your vet if you notice anything abnormal such as a growth, discoloured gums, loose or chipped teeth, or if your pet appears to have dental pain.

In our experience as pet owners, the most effective choice in preventing dental disease is a raw diet. Raw meaty bones are a safe and effective way to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Domestic Carnivore will take the time to understand your pet’s needs so we can recommend an appropriate option for them. Keeping your pets happy and healthy is our passion.

Never compromise the health of your pet by falling for cleaver marketing plans. Research everything and expose yourself to differing opinions. Once you are armed with as much knowledge as possible, develop your own opinion, and be your pet’s advocate.

Remember to smile and enjoy the time you have with your pet

Friday, December 12, 2014

Winter Safety Tips

Living in Canada, we get to experience all that winter has to offer. While the snow can provide from some great fun, we do have to make sure our pets are protected during extreme weather. We’ve already had some great windstorms that downed trees and fences. The following tips will prepare you and your pets as winter approaches and the cold sets in.

Keep Paws Protected
Salt and cold can damage your pet’s paws, causing pain and discomfort. There are a couple of options to protect their paws so you can continue to enjoy winter walks.
            Boots (recommended brands: Ruffwear or Muttluks)

          • Protects your dog's paws from the elements

          • It’s difficult to get a proper fit, resulting in the loss of boots
          • Most dogs don’t like them so there is some training involved in the introduction of boots

A tip from Canada’s Dog Trainer on how to condition your dog to wear boots

Paw Wax (Invisible Boot) *Available at Domestic Carnivore*
          • Protects your dog's paws from the elements
          • Dogs don't mind walking with the wax on
          • Safe for dogs to lick
          • Lasts for the entire walk

          • Does not protect against sharp ice or objects
          • Takes some time to apply for full coverage of the paw pads and in between the toes

Keep Your Pets Warm
While some dogs have a built-in winter coat, others may benefit from a fabric coat to keep them warm. In extreme temperatures, you may need to adjust your walks to ensure your pet doesn’t suffer from cold-related illnesses.

I recommend Chilly Dog coats for warmth and durability. They are made in Ottawa, Ontario and they provide excellent cold weather protection. Chilly Dogs, like many pet coats add reflective piping for better visibility at night.  (


Bodhi is a Hungarian Vizsla with thin skin and short fur. Her snowsuit keeps her cozy in the cold.

Make Yourself and Your Pet Visible
With the days becoming shorter, make sure drivers can see you and your pet by wearing reflective clothing and lights. Cross streets and even driveways with caution, making sure the drivers see you. For people, flashing bicycle lights or headlamps provide that extra bit of visibility. Headlamps also double as a locating device for your pet’s stool. For your dog, lit collars and leashes are a fantastic addition to their wardrobe.

Layla proudly wears her GLOWDOGGIE collar on walks. It’s also 100% waterproof so you can stay safe all year round. We’ve received several thanks over the past few years from pedestrians and drivers for making her visible. (

Watch the Ice!

Ice is fun for winter sports, but it can also be dangerous while walking with our pets. A simple slip can result in a serious injury for both parties. Having a dog that is trained to walk in heel is a huge step towards winter safety. Shoe spikes are also a great investment for your own safety. These simple to use accessories wrap around your boot and provide great traction while you walk. 

For your dog, a slip on the ice can cause an injury, but they can also cut their paws on jagged pieces of ice. Boots can help to provide traction and prevent cuts. When the ice is bad, I would recommend staying indoors and mentally stimulating your dog to tire them out. 

Do Not Leave Your Dog Outside or Locked in a Car During Extreme Temperatures

Even if your dog has a naturally thick winter coat that makes you jealous, they are not suited for prolonged exposure to extreme weather. Even double-coated breeds have sensitive paws, ears, and noses that can be frostbitten in the cold. Monitor your dog outside to ensure they are safe and happy.

Amelia loves the winter and she’s able to enjoy the snow while her mommy keeps an eye on her. In this photo, she was eating a turkey neck when a mini snowstorm came around. I imagine this is right up there on Amelia's favourite day's list. 

Keep Your Dog on Leash

Never allow your dog off-leash in the front yard during snowstorms, even if they have reliable recall. Dogs have difficulty with understanding their boundaries when the ground is covered with snow. They become disoriented with strange scents and impaired vision and can easily wander into harm's way. Remember that drivers can’t see over the snow banks and their braking ability is compromised on slippery roads.

If you do allow your dog off-leash, make sure you are in a dedicated leash free area. There are many areas with secure fencing to allow your dog to run freely.

Our dogs rely on us to keep them safe all year round. Follow these tips to ensure you and your dog gets the most out of the winter season. If you have a favourite winter activity, share it with us so we can let others know.  

Domestic Carnivore 

244 Governors Road
Dundas, Ontario
L9H 3K2